
Maternal & Women Health

The cornerstone of child care

Motherhood is a crucial phase for any woman. From pregnancy counseling to health issues, there’s a lot to account for when it comes to women’s health. A ready response, diagnosis, and care is key to treating these conditions before they get out of hand. Aside from pregnancy complications, there are multiple issues like PCOS that require expert diagnosis and treatment. At Krishna Hospitals, we are committed to providing dedicated treatment for a wide range of women-related health issues, including pregnancy health and care.

High-Risk Obstetric Care

From babies to adolescents

During the later stages of pregnancy, women require extensive care to prevent any complications from surfacing. At this vital juncture, expectant mothers have to be monitored based on any existing or chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Obstetric care extends even beyond the pregnancy phase, helping new mothers get back on their feet. The high-risk obstetric care division at Krishna Hospitals ensures a smooth pregnancy for mothers with existing complications, helping you welcome new life in this world with no hassles.

Child Care & Immunisation Centre

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When newborn children enter the world, they need every bit of care to get accustomed to the outside world. From vaccinations to other medications, newborns need to be under careful observation to ensure their good health. On the other hand, new parents also need to be educated about early childcare and specific guidelines regarding newborn health. Parents need to correspond with pediatricians on everything from booster shots to dietary guidelines. Krishna Hospital offers extensive child care facilities and faculty to help new parents embrace the new bundle of joy in their lives.

Sick New Born and Pre-Term Unit

From babies to adolescents

The miracle of life requires optimum conditions, both within the body as well as the external, after delivery. Medical teams have to be prepared for any contingencies, including pre-term birth and newborn sickness. Immediate response is vital in these cases, to minimize the risk to the mother and the newborn. Pre-term children, in particular, need special care in the days following birth, as they are susceptible to diseases. Krishna Hospital’s pre-term unit is dedicated to alleviating the risk associated with pre-term pregnancies, both for parents and newborns.

Neonatal/Adult/Child ICU

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An Intensive Care Unit is crucial to treat life-threatening conditions and ailments. In today’s world, specialized medical care is the need of the hour. Every second counts in an ICU and ICU wings need to be well-equipped to deal with an influx of patients, from facilities to staff. Aside from this, ICU policies differ based on age groups. Newborn children require exclusive care from neonatal specialists in an ICU, as do toddlers. Krishna Hospital houses individual ICU facilities for neonatal, child, and adult care, streamlining the process of emergency care.

Maternity & Infertility Clinic

From babies to adolescents

Conception and maternity is an intricate process, with many factors that could impact the outcome. Future parents that are facing infertility issues have to opt for pregnancy consultation to assess alternate options for conception. Our fertility specialists provide a concise diagnosis and advise on ideal conception methods for a smooth pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to this, the maternity wing at Krishna Hospital provides dedicated care for pregnant women every step of the way, ensuring a smooth pregnancy and childbirth.

24 hours Accident Care

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Accidents can happen at any time, with varying degrees of trauma and injuries. As a state-of-the-art hospital, we offer round-the-clock emergency care. With a streamlined ambulance network and immediate response to accident scenarios, Krishna Hospital is well-equipped to provide emergency response 24/7. The unit’s focus lies on a seamless response system that saves precious seconds that could be the difference in saving individual lives. We are always here to serve and save lives!

General medicine & Surgery

From babies to adolescents

Illnesses and injuries are a fact of life, no matter how strong your immunity may be. While some common ailments can be self-medicated, yet others require a professional diagnosis. Many diseases often have overlapping symptoms. That’s where general medicine comes in. With a dedicated team of physicians, patients can avail precise diagnosis and effective treatment for a wide range of ailments. The surgery wing at Krishna Hospital deals with intensive care and in-patient procedures regarding the same.

Paediatric Surgery/Cardiology

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At a young age, a child’s physical constitution is very fragile and requires adequate care to stay in the prime of health. Special procedures exist to account for these sensitive systems when children fall ill and require in-patient procedures. Children born with congenital heart conditions require specific surgical treatment and post-surgical regimes to recover from the ailment. Pediatric surgery is a joint effort between patients, parents, and pediatricians. At Krishna Hospital, our pediatric surgery division offers state-of-the-art treatment methods for young patients that require special care.

Emergency Cardiac Care

From babies to adolescents

When the heart stops, there’s absolutely no time to waste in getting emergency care. Specialized care units for cardiac conditions are geared towards treating cardiovascular ailments. Emergency cardiac care involves a swift diagnosis of the prevalent condition and rapid response with associated treatment methods. A streamlined process is crucial to cure patients with emergency cardiac conditions. At Krishna Hospital, a dedicated emergency cardiac care unit works round the clock to treat cardiac patients with rapid & effective response.

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